Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Musings of a Bachelor

Now, obviously some may see me as cynical... :) But that's OK - I don't mind it a bit.

There have been a TON of postings about this Jason dude. In fact, it seems that Americans, despite their lack of TV watching, can't get away from his life. Now, you can consider this to be the real love to a relationship or you can consider the following as an alternate possibility (an inspired post due to some comments about signing me up for the next Bachelor TV season)...

I don't mind being single. Do I wish to be married? Absolutely! But for this season of my life, I have absolutely NO problem with the fact that God has an aMAzing young woman out there with whom I can spend the rest of my life. And I absolutely look forward to that day that I can give my whole heart to this fabulous woman.

But along this road of bachelor-ness-hood, I've realized a couple of important facts (which will probably be corrected by some even more cynical married couple):
1. I don't mind waiting for sex. I'm a guy and I think statistics explain everything; but I would rather have fewer years of pure, unadulterated sex, than many, many years of baggage that I have to carry around with me.
2. I desire (strongly desire) to bless my wife with godly wisdom and leadership. Control freak? No...just following God's original plan of heading up the household.
3. Under NO circumstances am I going to settle for someone that does not fit into my life like a hand into a glove. Does that make me lonely? Sure. But isn't everyone lonely at some point in their life?

I keep hearing about this STUPID show (and I know that people like it just for the drama), but SERIOUSLY - isn't there more to be desired than multiple make-out sessions on TV. And I know what you guys are thinking - he just needs to get him some. I'm sorry, but that is a scandalous falsehood! My God made me to have a beautiful relationship with a woman and the two of us will become one and will live in the peace and love of God.

If you're one of those people reading this and laughing, then maybe it's time that you re-evaluate your own relationship. Maybe you're sad, because it lacks luster. Maybe you're broken, because your relationship is. I have learned to be perfectly content, despite my circumstances. AND I challenge each and every one of you to do the same.

Call me cynical. Call me stupid. Call me unfortunate. Call me celibate. Call me a LOSER. But I dare you to say it to my face. I also dare you to watch my future marriage - when God blesses me, because I remained pure and faithful.

I dare you...

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could figure out how to give you a standing ovation as a comment! Fantastic thoughts. I used to watch the show and then was disgusted with the message that it sends to men and women alike. You are one of my new heroes. BeBop loves you and is proud of the man you have become.
