Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things to be Remembered

Have you ever found yourself wondering why you are in your current situation? Have you been so completely overwhelmed with life that you forget to remember the GOOD things that Christ is doing in and through your life? To hopefully avoid finding myself in that place, I'd like to share the following story. It may not be that significant to some, but it is to me, and therefore is set up as an Ebenezer for future remembrance.

Last night, youth group was a different service that what we've experienced lately. Don't get me wrong, I've been enjoying our youth services, but last night was special. It was the culmination of a number of changes that God has been making in my life and in the lives of many of my teens. It was the turning point and a time that should not be forgotten.

We started with our music. While the teens were excited and full of rambunctious energy, when we began singing, we were moved from our current place of understanding, to a place in which the Holy Spirit was able to speak into our hearts. This was in addition to the fact that I really had fun playing guitar with my brother. I mean, there's just something about playing well together, when you are in sync, that let's you know that the groove is on and you're playing out of the overflowing abundance of your heart. THAT was cool!

But, back to the teens. There is something about hearing a bunch of teens lift their voices in praise and adoration of our Father and Creator that soothes the soul. There is something about that moment in time that allows the Holy Spirit to just say, "Peace. Hear my voice and respond." In that instant, you are moved from thinking about your current situation, your problems, your worries, and your concerns with life to only caring about serving the one, true Savior. THAT was cool!

But, put the guitar aside. Put the music and lyrics aside. Open the Word of the Lord to Hosea 10:12. If, as most Christians would state, our desire is to draw closer to God through righteousness, we would look at this passage and wonder, is my field fallow? Is my soil rocky? Do I have weeds in my life that are keeping me from worshiping God with every part of my being? If so, then I HAVE to plow my field and get it ready for God's great and abundant blessings for my life.

This brought us to the point of an invitation to answer the Spirit's call on our lives. Hands were raised, teens were feeling the Spirit moving in their lives. The altar was open and ready to receive people for prayer. In that moment in time, there was absolutely no doubt about God's call for repentance, changed lives, and new attitudes. To leave there without connecting with God was a very purposeful and rebellious decision.

Afterward, the teens wanted to stay and talk. I mean, we have days in which people jet out the door and are ready to go home; but, not last night! I literally had to force them out the door so that we could have our new believer's Bible study. The fact that they were disappointed to leave the House of God just warmed my heart, and warms it still.

Fast forward through Bible study, which was great, and you are brought to the van ride home. There was laughter! There were giggles. There was fun. There was excitement. There were good conversations. How can you get better than a van full of life?

To look back and say that God's Spirit was not present would be a scandalous falsehood. God was present last night. He was real. And, He was moving. I would rather have that with only a handful of teens, than a room full of disengaged and disinterested teens. But, here's the kicker! We had a great number of teens! More than I expected for "Christian concert" night at the fair, for which many people decided to skip our mid-week service. I don't hold that against them, but rather I rejoice in the fact that God still brought new people into His house so that they could hear the Gospel message. THAT was cool!

I fully recognize that there are times in life that seem dreary, dull, and without hope. Let this be a reminder that God is still God and that He reigns on His throne. He is the King and He will always protect and care for His people. Let this be a reminder that He's got our back! Let this be my Ebenezer!

Blessings on you! Feel free to share the message! Christ lives and His salvation changes our lives!

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