Monday, October 31, 2011

The Bride of Christ - 10/31/11

In John 3:27-30, John the Baptists refers to Christ as the Bridegroom, referring to the anticipation that the Groom has while waiting for His bride (the church) to finally enter the marriage. Think about that! Christ truly desires us, His bride, as a groom that waits in anticipation for the wedding day.

For those of you that are married, you can probably still remember the giddy feeling that you had, while waiting for the final moment in which you would say your vows and seal your marriage relationship. Think about Christ, waiting for us on the day of judgment. He is excited to see us enter into a relationship with Himself, because that is our original purpose. This communion with God is ultimately our undeniable calling that many people toss away so willingly.

I encourage you to think about the anticipation of entering into the presence of Christ. Just remember that He desires you, much more than you have ever (or will ever) desire Him. And that, brothers and sisters, is the hope that we have in Him.

I hope that you are able to share this with those that are closest to you. Spread the word about what Christ has done in your life lately. Let them know about the blessings that you have, and encourage them to enter into this same relationship.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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