Friday, January 27, 2012

We tried kissing, but the Earth didn't move

Leonard: Oh, we tried kissing, but the Earth didn't move. I mean any more than the 383 miles that it was going to move anyway. (The Big Bang Theory, The Fuzzy Boots Corollary)

We're coming close to the "Season of Love," aka Valentine's Day, aka Singles Awareness Day; and, many people are starting to think about what is going to happen on that epic day: February 14, 2012. Some of the men are still wondering how they're going to impress that lady. Some of the ladies are really wondering if they're going to be disappointed. Some of the singles are worried about not having a date. And, some people are just sick of the commercialism found in the day.

But, before you judge me for any cynicism, please hear me out (or read me out). I'm not an advocate for abolishing El Dia de San Valentin. I'm just wondering, out loud, about all of the people that are expecting that ONE moment on that one day to rock their world. They get to Valentine's Day, the anticipation has been building, the chocolate has been purchased, and the food has been paid for; but, the Earth doesn't move and fireworks don't go off. The disappointment that ensues breaks their heart and they feel empty inside.

I've told people, for a very long time, that there can't just be ONE day that is dedicated to your love (or infatuation or like-from-a-distance) to the extent that you neglect the other 354 days of the year. The response from many is, "Bryan, you're single, so you obviously wouldn't understand." Really? That would be applicable had I NEVER dated. That would be applicable had I never been out for a Valentine's Day meal that I wanted to be perfect. But, there is more to life than that one day.

I just want to be an encouragement to all of the rest of us. In the same manner that we consider our relationship to Christ to be a day-by-day thing, our relationship to our spouse or significant other has to be a day-by-day thing. It's great to get excited and do something special; but, if the Earth doesn't move, don't worry about it! There are 364 more days to try and I guarantee that on at least ONE of them, the Earth will move, fireworks will go off and you will be perfectly happy.

But, don't let happiness be your driving force in life. If you only strive for the happy moments, you will miss everything else around you. When Paul talks about contentment in Philippians 4:12, he is expressing an underlying desire to be blessed by Christ - to live for God with everything that you have. You have an opportunity to influence your relationship every, single day. Make every single day a blessed day! And, whether you are married, engaged, in love, in like, or single, make the most of your Valentine's Day!

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