Monday, February 27, 2012

What do you think about…? - 2/27/12

What do you think about prostitution?

WAIT - why on earth would you ask that question? Well, because it gets you to think about something that you might have pushed to the side. Granted, that's not your everyday question, but it IS real and it does hurt a lot of people.

I guess you could call this a social experiment. Try asking someone what they think of prostitution (or any other subject) and just see how provocative that question actually is. Find out if it makes them uncomfortable. Find out if it leads to a whole side conversation about renewal and rejuvenation in Christ. Just try it! I think that we are so often left without good thought-provoking conversations, because no one is willing to just ask the question.

But, here's the kicker. When you ask that question, be prepared to have an answer of your own. And, don't be ashamed, if your answer lines up with the Bible. I mean, aren't we called to share the Gospel message? Aren't we called to let others know about the love of Christ? Aren't we supposed to get people to start thinking about God? I think that we will have a lot more people responding as soon as we start asking the right questions.

Just my thoughts…

I hope that you can take the challenge this week. I realize that this might be awkward, but that's OK. God sent us the Comforter (or Holy Spirit), because He expected us to find ourselves in awkward situations. Give it a shot. I'd love to hear your results.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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