Monday, February 6, 2012

The Urgency of Souls - 2/6/12

Last week, I talked about the Transparency of Souls and our need, as Christians, to look deeper or beyond the flesh. But, there seems to be an urgency that many of us haven't yet taken hold of - the urgency of their soul. When you no longer consider people as just flesh and bones, but consider them in light of their eternal soul, you begin to notice the urgency of their eternal damnation, if they die without Christ. And that, in addition to a growing love for them, seems to be the thing that keeps me motivated.

About a week ago, I had a dream. After the dream, I woke up and was immediately conscious of the dream and what had transpired. Someone that I know was pregnant and she died during childbirth. Besides the orphaned child, the thing that stuck out in my thoughts was the fact that she would've died without Christ (had the dream been real). How many chances had I blow to witness to her? How many opportunities was I given to share the love of Christ? Was it my fault that she was lost and without Christ?

I realize that everyone has their own opportunity to accept Christ or not; however, their independence doesn't give us a license to remain silent. In order to truly live out our calling as Christians, we never stop considering their soul. This seems like a simple concept, and yet, we forget so easily. So, I'm just giving this reminder: don't forget about them. Them? Yes, the people that you have been praying for. The people that are on your heart. The people that you have taken responsibility for.

I hope that you can look into their souls this week. I hope that you can see them for who they really are. I hope that you can share the love of Christ with them. And, I hope that God is able to speak through you in every part of your witness!

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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