Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Considering Others - 1/18/12

Consider this the late edition :) When we have a Monday holiday, my whole week is thrown off.

I was recently walking down the sidewalk and saw a coworker headed my way. In order to be polite, I smiled and he smiled. Then I said, "Good morning," and he responded, "Good morning." Well...we still had 10 feet to walk before we passed each other. What was I to do?? So, I said, "How are you?" Casual. Just a quick, socially accepted protocol. Phew. That one was easy. And, he responded, "Good."

THAT'S IT??? You're not even going to ask me how MY morning is going? You're not going to ask why I'm so cold? You're not going to wish me well today? That's IT?

Well, I was already 20 feet away at this point, so it wasn't like I was going to turn around and shout across the campus at him.

As I walked into my office, I just kept thinking, "Consider others better than yourself..." It was almost as if I shouldn't care about myself so much, but rather should start caring for others. It would've almost been prophetic, had it not been written 2,000 years ago to the church at Philippi. Well, it can still be prophetic, but I wasn't hearing anything new that hadn't already been said. In Paul's letter to the Philippians (specifically chapter 2), he very simply calls us to have the love of Christ, to maintain a common presence in the Spirit of God, and to value others above ourselves.

I'm not very good at that. Honestly.

So, that's probably what upset me about this very short and very brief social interaction. I wanted to know why he wasn't valuing me above himself. And, the only answer that I could come up with, is that I wasn't valuing him as long as I was trying to get him to value me. I know that sounds like circular logic, but it's true. As long as I'm worried about what others can do for me, I'm not making them my first priority. I'm making ME my first priority.

It's a new year. I hope that you are able to value others above yourself this year. Being selfless is a habit, and not an easy one to acquire; but, I know that you can do it, as I will be attempting the same.

I hope this brings you some encouraging thoughts for the week. As you approach the week, think about the main priorities of your life and accomplish THOSE things.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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