Monday, January 30, 2012

The Transparency of Souls - 1/30/12

I have this thought that has been returning to my mind over the last few days. It really reminds me of an X-ray machine, in that, it allows me to see into the depths of someone's life. Now, before you think that I'm really the next Clark Kent, please don't mistake my awesomeness. And, please don't think that I'm inappropriately using the X-ray machine. I'm just thinking through this ability to see into people's lives and know, beyond anything else, that their soul is at stake.

Last night's sermon was on Amos 4. At the end of the chapter, the prophet says,

"'Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel,
and because I will do this to you, Israel,
prepare to meet your God.'

He who forms the mountains,
who creates the wind,
and who reveals His thoughts to mankind,
who turns dawn to darkness,
and treads on the heights of the earth-
the LORD God Almighty is His name.'"

And, after reading these verses (12-13), I just get this sense that there is so much more to people's souls than we really take into consideration. Yes, people make their own choices and place themselves in harm's way and do things that they shouldn't and deserve judgment for all that they have done. And, yes, they deserve every, single bit of destruction that is forewarned; because, God is almighty, He reigns on His throne, and He has already spoken of our impending doom, should we continue on in our sin.

But, He have us a way out! That way is Christ Jesus, and each of us (if we are really honest with ourselves), is relieved to not have to bear the burden of sin on our own. But, Christ didn't come to just save you. He came to save you and everyone around you. He came to save parents, children, husbands, wives, co-workers, enemies, agnostics, atheists, hypocrites, and anyone else that you can think of.

When you truly consider the soul of each person that you meet on a daily basis, you begin to see more than just skin color, hair, eyes, perfection, beauty, ugliness, scars, and their physical appearance. You see into the depth of their soul, because your soul is not that dissimilar. You see who they are, because you understand their plight. You desire that they know God, because you were once without Him.

I hope that you can look into their souls this week. I hope that you can see them for who they really are. I hope that you can share the love of Christ with them. And, I hope that God is able to speak through you in every part of your witness!

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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