Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Monday - 1/23/12

It's Monday! Yes, I used an exclamation point, so get over it.

Most of my coworkers realize that I'm not actually awake between 8am and 10am, despite starting work at 8am every day. But Bryan, aren't you missing out on two very valuable hours in the day? Of course not! I work, I'm just not really awake for any type of significant conversation. And, without fail, every Monday morning, between the hours of 8 and 10, it's even worse. I mean, it's not like I do it on purpose. It's just that, after the weekend, NO one wants to go back to work...except maybe the robots...and often I question their salvation.

And, since I technically am a pastor and should probably bring some biblical basis to this whole thought, I'm forced to ask the question: How did the Israelites deal with Monday mornings? Yeah...nothings really coming to mind. There is a LOT written about the Sabbath, but nothing that ever talks about the morning after. Nothing to give us any indication that they required caffeine-filled substances to get their week started. Nothing to prove that they were groggy from 8-10am. Nothing to show that they struggled in this area.

Except...maybe a few different commands.

"Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy." - Leviticus 19:2b
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me." - Psalm 3:5
"I obey your precepts and your statues, for all my ways are known to you." - Psalm 119:168

The LORD sustains us. He makes our path clear and gives us guidance every single day. He provides for our needs and is continually faithful. If there is anything that we can take away from Monday mornings, it is that God is still the same God as He was on Sunday; and, He will continue to be the same God tomorrow.

I hope this brings you some encouraging thoughts for the week. As you approach the week, think about the main priorities of your life and accomplish THOSE things.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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