Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Anticipating the Banquet - 5/9/12

As I sit in anticipation of this weekend's event, I'm starting to get nervous. The project is called Feed Our Streets, and the purpose is to share the love of Christ. And, despite the knowledge that I am following God's directing voice, I still feel that anticipation building up.

The parable of the Great Banquet is resounding in my head. The Master's words, "Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in," seem to continually echo through my thoughts. On the smallest scale, I think that I'm beginning to understand what the Lord must feel as He waits to see who will choose to enter into His Great Banquet. My banquet is not nearly to scale, and yet there is fear that none will show.

Sure, the volunteers will be there, but will the guests? Will we find ourselves going out to find others to come and feast with us? Or, conversely, will there be too many and we won't be able to feed them all?

Upon reflection, I'm not sure that either question really matters. I don't remember the Master saying, "Only invite them, if you're sure that they will come." He just sent the servant out. And, similarly, He is sending our team out. Numbers don't matter anymore. Only faithfulness will be accepted. To that purpose, we go.

I'm not sure how God is calling you to faithful service. I'm only sure that He is. So what will your response be?

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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