Monday, August 15, 2011

By Faith - 8/15/11

Romans 10:17 - "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."

I wonder what we're listening to. Or even whom we're listening to. Is the word about Christ dwelling deeply in our lives?

I had a wonderful opportunity to talk about the Bible this week with a number of different people, because I threw out the question, "What have you always wanted to know about the Bible?" The response was overwhelming; and, I found myself continually trying to convince people that the Bible is correct, and that dinosaurs existed during the time of man, etc. After awhile, I was no longer attempting to show the Word of God, but rather trying to prove how smart I was through my biblical knowledge. Fail.

On Thursday, I had lunch with a friend that I haven't talked to in a very long time. We went to tacos (not surprising, if you know me) and while there we discussed some of the hard questions that had been raised. His response was very simple. "Don't get so caught up in trying to explain everything that you take faith out of the discussion." Truth.

The word about Christ had ceased to be the message I was spreading.

We are already familiar with the idea that we must have faith in Jesus in order to receive salvation, but are we continually listening to the message about Christ? Because, without the message of Christ girding our understanding of faith, we lose. This week, you will be tempted to follow other passions, other ideas, or logical conclusions that may not necessarily be wrong; however, if they do not fortify your faith in Christ, ignore them. Abraham had faith and followed God to a new land. In the same manner, ignore the other pastures that may seem "good enough" and follow God into the new land that is prepared for you and your family.

God's blessings on your life this week,


Be sure to share the love!

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