Friday, March 5, 2010

The Art and Craft of Wooing a Woman

To all my boys out there...this message is for you.

We see sooo many hints in the world at what it must mean to give and receive love. Mostly, if you watch the movies, you will see that "love" means selling yourself - doing whatever you have to do to get the opposite sex to notice you. If you listen to music, "love" is that magical thing that binds two people in passionate and intimate physical union. If you observe the lives of people, you see that "love" is the one place of piece and quiet - the shelter that they turn to when the world becomes too much.

So, after checking out what the world considers to be love, we then try to emulate it. We try to own it by copying it, rather than listening to the original text. We CRAVE it, because we don't understand God's true idea for our lives. But rather than reiterating my previous sentiments from another blog entry, I'd like to point out a few thoughts when trying to capture the special attention of that lady that has your focus...

- It is true that you have to put forth effort, but don't try so hard that you push her away
- Your profession of love is only going to last as long as your gift of love
- Her idea of intimacy is different than your plan for success
- Your feelings are about as important as the spark plugs in an engine
- If you keep a godly pursuit, then you can't go wrong
- It's your virtue to choose, but God is always watching

It's interesting that we all put on the facade of manliness, but when it comes to being a real man, we feel so completely lost. Follow the godly men that have come before you. They are considered godly men, because they fought the temptation (desire, passion, lust) and came out ahead. And, if all else fails, remember that you measure godly success by actually following God's principles...not your own.

"There is, hidden or flaunted, a sword between the sexes till an entire marriage reconciles them." - C. S. Lewis

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