Monday, October 31, 2011

The Bride of Christ - 10/31/11

In John 3:27-30, John the Baptists refers to Christ as the Bridegroom, referring to the anticipation that the Groom has while waiting for His bride (the church) to finally enter the marriage. Think about that! Christ truly desires us, His bride, as a groom that waits in anticipation for the wedding day.

For those of you that are married, you can probably still remember the giddy feeling that you had, while waiting for the final moment in which you would say your vows and seal your marriage relationship. Think about Christ, waiting for us on the day of judgment. He is excited to see us enter into a relationship with Himself, because that is our original purpose. This communion with God is ultimately our undeniable calling that many people toss away so willingly.

I encourage you to think about the anticipation of entering into the presence of Christ. Just remember that He desires you, much more than you have ever (or will ever) desire Him. And that, brothers and sisters, is the hope that we have in Him.

I hope that you are able to share this with those that are closest to you. Spread the word about what Christ has done in your life lately. Let them know about the blessings that you have, and encourage them to enter into this same relationship.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Considering Joy

James 1:2 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

I'm curious as to what those "trials of many kinds" actually look like. When was the last time that I faced something that was seriously considered a trial? For that matter, when was the last time that I actually did something that serious. If I consider my minuscule issues "trials," what will actually happen when I face a real trial?

I love how James phrases this, because he says "trials of many kinds." That means I will sometimes have big trials, sometimes small ones, and sometimes even things that I have no clue how to classify. But, he says that regardless the type of trial, when I come through it, my faith will have been tested and proven. THAT is what really gets me.

I desire perfection, but obviously won't get there any time soon. However, I know that when my faith has been tested and comes out stronger, that I will have more perseverance for the future trials. How amazing is it, that we are blessed with a God who sees exactly what we need and helps us through?

In Luke 11:11-13, Jesus asked, "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!"

When you are faced with trials, pray for the Spirit of God to fill your life and dwell with you. There is nothing more that you can ask for and God expects that you ask for nothing less. He knows exactly what we need to persevere, so give Him the opportunity to make it happen!

Monday, October 24, 2011

True and Glorious Salvation - 10/24/11

Matthew 7:21-23 says, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"

Think about the many thousands of people that have cried, "Lord, Lord," but will never enter heaven. While we know that God is a loving Father and the Creator of the Universe, we also know that He is a just, jealous, and righteous God. For the sake of us understanding this text, we need to realize that some of the people that call themselves Christians will NOT enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. You're probably running through a list of 4-5 people right now - people that you know are not living their lives for the Christ, the Messiah.

So, what does it mean to have true salvation? It's not the fact that we open the door and finally allow Jesus to participate in our lives. Rather, it is the undeniable reality that we are absolutely NOTHING without Him. We have nothing of value to offer for our lives. Just opening the door to His call seems shallow.

The picture that Jesus paints is one of a dinner table, in which we sup with Him. This, from my understanding, is His call to commune with Him. We feast, we talk, we laugh, we obey, we struggle, we do everything with Him. This type of radical salvation is not something that we can take lightly. If we are truly "saved" from the pit of hell, it is because we are allowing the Holy Spirit of God to make sweeping changes in our lives, bringing us closer to mirroring Him, and not our former life.

If there is truly a great need in our lives, it is that we tell everyone that we know of the salvation that God offers through His Son, Jesus Christ. Many are calling Him "Lord," but He is not the Lord of their lives. If you care about those that are without Christ, then you will do something about it. I challenge you to consider this message today. Salvation is not for us to keep to ourselves. There is a Savior that can change our lives, and we need to share Him with everyone that we can!

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

If you'd like to subscribe to this weekly devotional, please forward your email and name to Also, the idea for today's devotional comes from David Platt's book Radical.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Letters to My Wife, Chapter 6

I was asked, repeatedly, what my "type" was. Who would I desire to date? What did I look for in a wife? I mean, I wanted to be completely honest, but sometimes I just didn't know what to say. Most people wanted to know if I looked for a brunette or a blond and how tall she should be and whether she was thin and all of that superficial stuff. While I'll admit, I desired a woman who was beautiful, I didn't necessarily have a "type" as most people wanted to know.

I wanted to see the heart. I wanted someone with whom I could have a real and honest conversation. I wanted deeper than the typical, superficial relationship that I saw in so many people around me. Often people wondered why I was so picky, and it was because I just couldn't see myself with this girl or that one. There was nothing beyond the physical attraction and that bothered me.

So, when people asked about my type, I shared my prayer:

"Lord, I ask that you bring me a beautiful woman to be my wife. Please let her be someone who will love and respect me; and someone that I can love and respect in return. Let her be someone that will join with me in ministry. And, let her be someone that I can pour my heart into and will pour her heart into me in return. Thank you, Lord."

At hearing this, most people would respond with, "Awwe," as if I had discovered some secret to love and happiness. The truth is, I was still single. I would often wonder if I had prayed the wrong prayer or if my prayer would ever be answered. But, I waited with anticipation. I knew that God would send you, and I held on to that hope. I knew that, if I was faithful to my God, He would bless me, more abundantly than I had ever thought possible.

Now that we're finally married, I realize that I couldn't have asked for anyone more appropriate. My God supplied my needs and blessed me with a woman who completes me so fully, I haven't the words to express it. So, I simply say, "I love you. Thank you, for being a part of the rest of my life."

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Message from Jesus - 10/17/11

Jesus Christ is our salvation, and yet, we spend so little time actually examining the messages that He had to impart to humanity. More specifically, I think we sometimes forget to look at the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5. I'd like to spend a little time on the Beatitudes for the next few weeks or so. The Beatitudes are Jesus' opening remarks for the rest of the sermon, and really outline, I think, His desire for Israel to turn back to their God.

Last week I discussed hungering and thirsting for righteousness, but I didn't do much to introduce the first three verses. This week, let's look at Matthew 5:3: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Poor in spirit? What on earth does THAT mean? Do I have to lose my spirit? Is my spirit not good enough? Is He talking about God's Spirit?

Imagine our spirit as a glass jar or container. An empty container is still filled with something - air. So, imagine your spiritual container being filled with things: emotions, reactions, thoughts, words, ideas, beliefs, etc. All of these things are direct change agents to our spirit. If I start filling my container with negative emotions, my spirit is going to look negative. If I begin to fill my container with positive thoughts, then I will be filled with a bunch of "good words". But, imagine me emptying my container of all of MY stuff. If I do this, then I am making room for it to be filled with something else.

This emptying can be dangerous, because it leaves room for either negative things or positive things to fill it. But, if my entire desire is to be filled with God's spirit (going back to Matthew 5:6 from last week), then I HAVE to empty my container to make room for Him. That's a risk that I take, but one that I am absolutely willing to do, because I cannot continue to live my life without Christ. To live without Christ is nothingness. To live without Him is emptiness. To live without Him is worthless.

Once I have emptied my spirit (or become poor in spirit - my own spirit), I have room to inherit the kingdom of heaven. And THAT, brothers and sisters, is the desire of my heart. This week, I hope that all of your actions, statements, and thoughts glorify God. May you have God's peace, to surround your life and keep you humble.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things to be Remembered

Have you ever found yourself wondering why you are in your current situation? Have you been so completely overwhelmed with life that you forget to remember the GOOD things that Christ is doing in and through your life? To hopefully avoid finding myself in that place, I'd like to share the following story. It may not be that significant to some, but it is to me, and therefore is set up as an Ebenezer for future remembrance.

Last night, youth group was a different service that what we've experienced lately. Don't get me wrong, I've been enjoying our youth services, but last night was special. It was the culmination of a number of changes that God has been making in my life and in the lives of many of my teens. It was the turning point and a time that should not be forgotten.

We started with our music. While the teens were excited and full of rambunctious energy, when we began singing, we were moved from our current place of understanding, to a place in which the Holy Spirit was able to speak into our hearts. This was in addition to the fact that I really had fun playing guitar with my brother. I mean, there's just something about playing well together, when you are in sync, that let's you know that the groove is on and you're playing out of the overflowing abundance of your heart. THAT was cool!

But, back to the teens. There is something about hearing a bunch of teens lift their voices in praise and adoration of our Father and Creator that soothes the soul. There is something about that moment in time that allows the Holy Spirit to just say, "Peace. Hear my voice and respond." In that instant, you are moved from thinking about your current situation, your problems, your worries, and your concerns with life to only caring about serving the one, true Savior. THAT was cool!

But, put the guitar aside. Put the music and lyrics aside. Open the Word of the Lord to Hosea 10:12. If, as most Christians would state, our desire is to draw closer to God through righteousness, we would look at this passage and wonder, is my field fallow? Is my soil rocky? Do I have weeds in my life that are keeping me from worshiping God with every part of my being? If so, then I HAVE to plow my field and get it ready for God's great and abundant blessings for my life.

This brought us to the point of an invitation to answer the Spirit's call on our lives. Hands were raised, teens were feeling the Spirit moving in their lives. The altar was open and ready to receive people for prayer. In that moment in time, there was absolutely no doubt about God's call for repentance, changed lives, and new attitudes. To leave there without connecting with God was a very purposeful and rebellious decision.

Afterward, the teens wanted to stay and talk. I mean, we have days in which people jet out the door and are ready to go home; but, not last night! I literally had to force them out the door so that we could have our new believer's Bible study. The fact that they were disappointed to leave the House of God just warmed my heart, and warms it still.

Fast forward through Bible study, which was great, and you are brought to the van ride home. There was laughter! There were giggles. There was fun. There was excitement. There were good conversations. How can you get better than a van full of life?

To look back and say that God's Spirit was not present would be a scandalous falsehood. God was present last night. He was real. And, He was moving. I would rather have that with only a handful of teens, than a room full of disengaged and disinterested teens. But, here's the kicker! We had a great number of teens! More than I expected for "Christian concert" night at the fair, for which many people decided to skip our mid-week service. I don't hold that against them, but rather I rejoice in the fact that God still brought new people into His house so that they could hear the Gospel message. THAT was cool!

I fully recognize that there are times in life that seem dreary, dull, and without hope. Let this be a reminder that God is still God and that He reigns on His throne. He is the King and He will always protect and care for His people. Let this be a reminder that He's got our back! Let this be my Ebenezer!

Blessings on you! Feel free to share the message! Christ lives and His salvation changes our lives!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness - 10/10/11

Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

Righteousness, as defined by the dictionary, is "the quality or state of being just or rightful." Righteousness is something that everyone understands, whether they can put words to it or not. We are trained from birth to act correctly, because we understand very early on what sin is. Living in righteousness means that we are living through justified actions. How many people can honestly say that every single one of their actions is justified?

In Romans 5:15-19, we see that, through the actions of Adam's original sin, each of us is plagued with sin and condemned to an eternity away from God. We also see, however, that because of Christ's pure and righteous act (death on a cross and resurrection into life), we can reenter into righteousness.

Often, people try to justify their actions on their own, stating "their" reasons for acting in the manner observed. Unfortunately, this is the most childish of responses that we can have. We can't justify our own sin, so what good does it do to reason things away? Wouldn't it be better to just own up to the mistakes made?

Every time that someone tries to reason away their mistakes, they work out of their own strength. Working out of one's own strength just uses up whatever energy they had and thus leaves them with less than when they started. This is the essence of being burnt out and is the complete opposite of God's original intent for us to be filled.

Consider your life. Are you tired of paying the price for your own actions and mistakes? Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that you will live a life without consequences; but, you can live a life that is finally justified. Christ's actions don't justify us continually living in sin, but rather they justify us being removed from sin, to no longer be caught in the trap of unfulfilling and useless words. Do you desire to be filled by God? Then stop trying to make excuses for your wrong actions! Just stop doing them.

This week, I encourage you to take inventory of your thoughts, words, and actions. Do you have a growing sense of God's presence in your life or are you continually feeling empty and alone. Only you can change that. God will save you, if you would just let Him have authority in your life.

God's blessings on your life this week,


Be sure to share the love!

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Monday, October 3, 2011

A Healing God - 10/3/11

Do you believe that God truly wants to see His people healed and healthy? I'm not just talking about physical healing, but also spiritual and emotional healing. Often we don't trust that God has our best interests at heart. We wonder why He is taking so long to help us, but I want to encourage you to rest in God's amazingly perfect timing.

Last night, for our service, we baptized 9 teens/children! Here's what's really cool - I wasn't the only one baptizing them. Some of the children were baptized by their grandfathers. Some were baptized by their fathers. Imagine the legacy marker being left, because the Spirit of the Lord was working through fathers and grandfathers to bless the children of the next generation!

When you think of God's perfect and healing hand, His timing was exactly as it needed to be. For a church that has been wondering how God is going to continue to bless, adding 9 members to the family seemed an amazing shot in the arm.

I'm not sure how last week went, but I would like to encourage you as you start the new week. God has plans for our lives, but we are so busy trying to figure things out on our own that we miss Him. Look for the things with which God is blessing your life. Celebrate those things! It brings healing that we never even imagined could happen.

I'll leave you with a story from a friend. He was riding his motorcycle and a big SUV came racing up behind him, almost touching his tailpipes. After it happened twice, he almost lost his cool. In the moment, he wasn't sure what he would do; but, after he had cooled down, he said, "I should've just smiled." Smile this week, no matter what happens. You have a Savior that is completely in to you. Live like it!

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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