Monday, March 1, 2010

God's Power Conduit

When you finally realize that God is at the center of everything that is great, you start to realize that you are not the person you thought you were. God's power - the most incredible force in the entire universe - is something that we can only see when we empty ourselves of our human capabilities and rely fully on His strength.

Follow in 1 Corinthians 12 with me - "Now about the spiritual gifts (the special endowments of supernatural energy), brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed...Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divin grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same. And there are distinctive varieties of service and ministration, but it is the same Lord [Who is served]." (Amplified Bible, 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-5)

If we consider that we are gifted in different areas - all under the supernatural guidance/power of the Holy Spirit - then we should start thinking and acting in the Spirit if we are to use these gifts. Upon viewing the events over the past two weeks of my life, I have distinctly come to realize that Christ's power working through me, has nothing to do with me EXCEPT that I open my will to His.

When I speak on behalf of the Lord, there are times when I am completely under the influence of the Holy Spirit and other times in which I am only partly taken. To understand the full nature of this, I suggest we consider piping or conduit. When a valve is released (or opened), the amount of energy flow is determined by the dilation of the valve. If the valve were opened to full strength, then the total force of the energy would be released and you would attain maximum output.

For lack of a better demonstration, I believe that this is partly how the Holy Spirit's power works. When we open ourselves up to His energy, we allow Him to flow through us and work His miraculous wonders. Am I talking about healing? Well, healing comes in season. It may not be a physical manifestation of healing, but it could be spiritual or emotional.

Am I talking about wisdom? Well, wisdom and discernment come to those who ask. It may not be the wisdom of time, but it could very well be the wisdom to make a certain choice at a certain time.

Am I talking about prophecy? Have you ever just spoken the words that someone needed to hear and had no clue where they came from? It may not be on par with Ezekiel or Jeremiah, or even Isaiah, but it was the Word of the Lord and it was given to a people in need.

I think that most of us are too scared to even consider the power of the Holy Spirit...
(1) It requires less of us and more of God. As much as we like to "sing" about that concept and "preach" about its meaning, it really is a hard thing for us to fully grasp.
(2) It requires that we dedicate our life's work to God's calling. You don't have to be a pastor or teacher or missionary to be used by the Holy Spirit; but there is a sense that only these people are "good enough" to do the job.
(3) It requires that we just rest in God's presence...and quite often that can be a hard thing to do. Resting in God's presence means that we have forgiven ourselves of past mistakes...Resting in God's presence means that we have accepted God's forgiveness...Resting in God's presence means that despite all that we face, we remain princes and princesses in God's holy family.

You are royalty, and as such you deserve - and are commanded - to uphold the family name. What are you doing toward that end?

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