Monday, March 5, 2012

Sharing My Heart - 3/5/12

For several months, I've been sending out these weekly devotionals, hoping that they provide some sense of encouragement. Well, this week, I just want to share a little from my heart. God has been telling me, for a long while now, that I'm supposed to do something more than just sit on my butt and call myself a Christian. Yes, I'm a pastor. Yes, I'm active in my church. Yes, I've been a faithful Christian for a long time. It's just time to ramp it up.

"Walk by faith," says God. "Just go make it happen. Go and make disciples."

"But, God," I responded, "I don't have the money to do that!"

"Really, Bryan? REALLY?? I am the God of this universe! Don't you think I can equip you, if I'm sending you out?"


So, here's the project. It's called "Feed Our Streets."

I believe that God is calling us to minister to those that are closest to us - our Jerusalem. This is HUGE and very necessary in Southeast Fresno. There are so many people hurting, but they keep a smile on their face, so that others don't think badly of them. Well, we're going to spread the love of Christ with as many people as possible, because I believe that's what He is calling all Christians to do. Make it real. Make it tangible. Make it memorable. Make it lovely.

I see tables that line the streets. They’re decorated, pretty, and just convey the message of “block party” to everyone that looks down the street. I see shocked, but excited faces as they begin to smell the barbeque and catch the vision of what’s going on. I see laughter and conversation between people that have never spoken to each other. I see Christ’s love visibly pouring into people as they come together for a common meal.

The workers will be in bright t-shirts so that they will be highly visible and can’t escape the questions. Why are you here? What are you doing? What could possibly possess you to do this? Why should I eat your food? And, there will only be one answer: Because you are worth it!

A banner will be raised high to tell the entire neighborhood that we’re there. As if they couldn’t miss the beautiful smell of barbeque or the bright colored t-shirts, we will absolutely be in their faces (in a good way)! And we will sit with them, enjoying conversation and finding out what makes them excited; finding out what makes them tick.

This will be happening at several locations over the course of the entire summer. We will start in May and have these parties all over SE Fresno for the next several months. It’ll be warm, but there will be iced tea and lemonade. It’ll be awkward, but there will be the Holy Spirit to guide us. It’ll be fun, and we’ll just laugh and possibly cry from the joy that is pouring out of our hearts.

And, the Lord will be blessed! Community groups will come together to serve. Organizations from throughout the city will partner to see God’s love given out to those in need. And, we will be loved in return.

This is my heart. I usually leave you with a call to action. So, the only one that I have is this: what will you do to respond? People need God, but they need YOU to show them God. Go out! Serve! Make disciples!

God's blessings on your life this week,


Be sure to share the love!

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