Monday, September 19, 2011

We Are - 9/19/11

Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm trying to be a Christian?" They might not have said it in those words, but if asked the question, "How is your walk with God," they might respond with, "Well, I'm trying."

Why trying? Does that make them feel better about failure? Does it make them think that they can save themselves? As if trying harder would do anything to forgive sins. I mean, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) He is the only way. You trying is not going to change that fact.

I've been considering the movie We Are Marshall. The theme of "we are" is significant in this, because it proves unity by virtue of being on the same team. We, as Christ-followers, are either Christians or we aren't. There isn't a middle stage of "trying".

You might be thinking, "Bryan, that sounds very legalistic. You can't expect there to be a hard and fast rule, because God is the one that judges the heart." I don't argue God's judgement here. All I am doing is bringing up the fact that there is no middle ground. If Christ has not forgiven your sins, then you are still a sinner and you deserve death and judgement in hell. If Christ has forgiven your sins, then you are undeniably covered by His blood and you will be welcomed into the gates of heaven.

"But, Bryan, what if I sin? What if I mess up? Am I still covered under the blood? What if I don't feel like a Christian? What if I am struggling or just having a hard time?" Honestly, these are the questions that we answer during the first lesson for new believers in Christ. If you don't know the answers to these questions, then we need to have an honest and real conversation about the Bible.

The point that I am making is that, as Christians, we have an unshakable responsibility to BE Christians. We don't try to act like them, we ARE them. Live out your faith this week, showing others that there is something more significant to life than just existing. Be a Christ-follower!

God's blessings on your life this week,


Be sure to share the love!

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