Monday, September 5, 2011

Dealing With Commands - 9/5/11

When you think about the commands that God gave, not just the Ten Commandments, how do you juggle that with your personal life? We know what is actually "good" for us, but are we really willing to obey them fully? We know that to "disobey" is sin, but have we disregarded God's warning to the point of apathy?

I've been challenged, recently, to reconsider my priorities and to truly challenge my values and my actions. Have I become lax in my treatment of God's commands? Since God hasn't stricken me down, does that mean that I'm off the hook regarding punishment?

In John 14, Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."

Wow. I may not experience immediate punishment, but I have to consider the implications of being separated from God's eternal presence. This is not just a situation in which I'm not talking to a friend. This is the consideration that I may be separated from God for all eternity. I'm not saying that "one sin" will separate you from God, because I believe that God knows the intent of your heart and whether you are truly attempting to obey Him in all faithfulness. I am saying, however, that if you continue to ignore God and make it a regular practice to ignore His commands, that you will become separated from His presence. I will never lose His love, but has my lack of faithfulness caused me to drift away from His presence?

I don't consider this idea when I plan to just leave Him out of my life. I try not to think about it, knowing that to do so, I might feel guilty. So, I continue ignoring His gentle prodding and before I know it, I have found myself a great distance off. All of this happens, because I have been unwilling to be faithful in the small commands that He has given me.

I hate the fact that things so small can make such a HUGE impact in my life. Why can't I remain faithful in the small things…? I have no answer. All I have is Jesus' response regarding obedience.

I hope that you find strength in Him this week. I know that it's easy to disregard the seemingly "lesser" commands, but they are just as important as the greater ones. Rest in God's love, knowing that your faithfulness will grow your relationship in Him!

God's blessings on your life this week,


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