Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Don't Forget to Laugh - 5/30/12

This just made me giggle...

"...Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight...Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. 'Don't be alarmed,' he said. 'He's alive!' Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate..." - Acts 20:7-12

Now, I've had people fall asleep while I'm preaching, but have yet to have someone plummet to their death! It's just so crazy to think that, because Paul wouldn't shut up, this man died. And then was brought back to life. And then they went and ate. It's as if nothing had happened. No big deal, this is how it goes when people hang out with us.

Sometimes I forget to just enjoy what's going on. I get so uptight and worried about doing something wrong, hurting people, or saying something inappropriate that I forget to just enjoy the moment. I mean, in the past two weeks, I've been the cause of three or four pretty epic accidents and all the while I'm thinking, "How on earth could that have happened??" But, we have to laugh, right?

If Paul could take someone plummeting to his death because of his preaching in stride, then I think that we can laugh about things that happen in life. There really isn't much else to do, but live life and allow God to take care of the rest!

I hope that your life is filled with opportunities to share the love of Christ this week. Don't forget that you have been bestowed an amazing opportunity. Use it wisely for the glory of God.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Letters to My Wife, Chapter 7

Do you remember when we were dating and I would always ask, “Are you good? Are you OK?” I think you finally just punched me to get me to shut up. Or kissed me. Either one would’ve done the trick. I used to make you so irritated when I would ask that, because, of course, you were perfectly capable of telling me whenever something wasn’t right.

It was just part of the learning process. I would do something stupid, you would look at me to say, “You’re an idiot,” and we’d both laugh and move on. But, there was something more going on than the surface tit-for-tat. We were learning what worked and what didn’t.

I realized that my entire goal was to make you happy, but it wasn’t in a way that meant giving you everything. It was in a way that would point you back to the love of God for His child. While I don’t get a lot of things right, I do know how to point people back to the Father. I think that’s what makes me different – sets me apart from many others. The waiting, the watching, and the preparation all lead me back to one thing: God has gifted me, so that I can gift back to Him through you.

I think this started when I was really young. I would watch my dad take care of my mom. She was fully capable of taking care of herself, but it was a delight to see how they meshed together to work as one. It wasn’t “her” job to feed us and care for us.  In fact, my father actually liked feeding us when we were too small to take care of ourselves. I see it now as he cares for his new children.

He ended up doing dishes, rather than watching a ballgame on TV. If mom was working, dad was working just as hard to take care of the house, the yard, and to provide for the family. Again, this is not to say that she is incapable, but rather to bring to light that their relationship was a two-way street.

I desired that same relationship, one that would allow me to care for my wife and give back to her. It really brings to light the words of Jesus as He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Sure, we all want things, but those things seem to matter less as we learn that giving takes their place.

A friend made the following statement to encapsulate how I feel about serving you:

“Bryan, your desire is to love someone so deeply, so intimately, that God has placed that desire in your heart for a long time now. I don’t think you could date someone like you. It seems that you have to find someone that is so different, not because it makes you hardcore, but because you are the only person who could ever show them the love of God through what He has given you.”

And, it’s not one-sided. You have given me so much more than you could ever comprehend. My hope – my desire – is that neither of us is left feeling empty, because everything that we do points us back to the love of Christ.

Chapter 1 :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Chapter 5 :: Chapter 6

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Top Five Questions to Ask God upon Arrival

Everyone has thought about it, at one point or another. What will I ask God when I die? Granted, some will be asking the obvious question: why can't I walk into heaven? But then, others have been compiling another list of questions that all point to one thing: we just don't know the answer now. So what will you ask? What are those burning questions that are in the deepest depths of your heart?

Here are mine! Well, partly mine, because partial credit goes to my friend Amanda for her amazing ideas!

1. Did you give actual flaming swords to the cherubim that guarded the Garden of Eden or were they lightsabers?

You see, I'm really a Sci-Fi/Fantasy geek, and it think it would be totally cool, if the first lightsabers were actually used in the Bible, rather than in Star Wars. Think about it - the first Jedi could have been angels. That would mean that Jedi attended to Jesus after His time wrestling with Darth Maul in the desert. It all fits together perfectly!

2. When Jesus walked on water, was it more like a moon walk (since it was at night) or like a dancing fairy?

I've always pictured Jesus as being calm, cool, and collected, but who knows. Maybe He just wanted to dance. After all, can't you picture Him doing the moon walk - backwards - across the lake, just to wave at the disciples as He passed by? THAT would be cool!

3. At the feeding of the five thousand, how many different types of bread were there?

Since there were twelve baskets left over, were they each a different type of bread? I'm sure that Jesus had a jalapeƱo-cheddar, a nice pita, and also a 7-grain wheat bread. If you're going to feed people, then you have to make sure that you give them the best, and that they get a good variety. I think we sell Jesus short, when we think that He just gave plain bread, especially, if it was without butter. Oooh...speaking of...fresh, oven-baked bread with warm, melted butter. Oh, the delightful and delectable morsels...

4. When Jonah was swallowed by the big fish, was there theme music?

Maybe I'm too accustomed to modern cinema, but I can totally picture the Jaws theme music playing over the cloud speakers as Jonah is getting ready to be swallowed up. Duh-nuh. "Oh, no! People, throw me overboard!" Duh-nuh. "God, the theme music is a little much for me right now." Duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh! "Aaahhhhhhhh! Noooo!" It probably happened exactly like that.

5. Jesus, what is Your favorite worship song?

We all have this notion that our song is the best, because we are praising Him; but, do you think that Jesus ever gets tired of certain songs? I mean, how many times can we say that He's an awesome God, before He just start punching people to get them to shut up? He probably sits on His throne and starts shuffling our worship music, because He can't handle it anymore. Like, seriously people, SKIP, next song. I mean, does He ever just need a break from His worship playlist and switch over to Metallica? He probably starts playing the YMCA, just to shake things up with the heavenly hosts!

What will YOU ask God upon arrival into heaven?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Think It's Relief - 5/15/12

"My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore." Psalm 131:1-3

Week one of Feed Our Streets is over and I think that I am feeling relief. I'm fairly certain that I was stressed out, but it was really for no reason. I received texts throughout the day from people who were praying for the project; and, I still worried. When all of the volunteers showed up and things were falling into place, I still worried that something could go wrong. When the food was about ready and each of us was standing around to start, my fear was that no one would show up.

And yet, I've been raised to rely on God - the One who created the universe and everything in it. I've been brought up to believe that Jesus calmed the storm, raised people from the dead, and conquered even sin itself. So, shouldn't a step out in faith require a little more faith? As blessed as we are, as Christians, we sometimes forget that there are still others out there that do not know the love of Christ.

A man, from my church, was there to pass out Bibles. One of the little boys came up and asked for one. When he was given a Bible, his smile was beaming from ear-to-ear. He asked, "When do I have to return it? After I eat?" The answer is obvious to us, but not to someone who has never known the love of our dear and precious Savior. If this entire summer is about that young boy receiving a Bible, then the entire project is worth it.

I hope that your life is filled with opportunities to share the love of Christ this week. Don't forget that you have been bestowed an amazing opportunity. Use it wisely for the glory of God.

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh, was that YOUR sweater?

Be honest. Each of us has found ourselves leaving items behind for our secret admirer. No one is willing to admit it, but everyone does it. It's the classic I-need-an-excuse-to-talk-to-you-so-I'm-going-to-leave-behind-my-sweater-so-that-you-can-bring-it-back-to-me-and-then-we-can-talk line that everyone has pulled at least once in their lifetime.

So, why do we do it?

Isn't it just simple attraction/attention methodology? You want to get the other person's attention, so you'll do anything to get in their way. For some, this isn't a really big deal, because they'd love to smell your sweater. In fact, girls seem to have a higher propensity for wearing the clothes of the guy that they are attracted to, just so they can smell him. Fortunately, the guys can't usually wear the girl's clothes, so it doesn't seem to be such a big issue.

And, yes, the smelling happens. No one is willing to admit it, but it happens and you're probably trying to think of a way to deny it, even as you read this.

What I find interesting about this whole scenario is the fact that some people are just super oblivious to the whole thing happening - mainly the guys. The girl flirts, he doesn't notice. She leaves behind her sweater, he has a friend take it back. She leaves him a note, he writes another girl's number on it. They just don't get it. I don't blame them, because I've been known to be just as oblivious. Our mothers keep hoping we'll grow out of it, but I don't see much hope of that happening as well.

How do we break this endless cycle of oblivious, attention-seeking behavior? I'm not sure that there is a way. It starts when we're really young with taking 30,000 pictures of us, and continues on through puberty, when they get their own camera phone. I say it's all downhill from here.

Unless, of course, you're just naturally good at getting someone to pay attention to you. And then, you struggle for the rest of your life trying to find a way to get away from people of the opposite sex. But, for the majority of us, that's not the case. So, we'll continue to leave behind our sweaters, in an effort to engage the person that we like in a conversation that could change our lives.

Anticipating the Banquet - 5/9/12

As I sit in anticipation of this weekend's event, I'm starting to get nervous. The project is called Feed Our Streets, and the purpose is to share the love of Christ. And, despite the knowledge that I am following God's directing voice, I still feel that anticipation building up.

The parable of the Great Banquet is resounding in my head. The Master's words, "Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in," seem to continually echo through my thoughts. On the smallest scale, I think that I'm beginning to understand what the Lord must feel as He waits to see who will choose to enter into His Great Banquet. My banquet is not nearly to scale, and yet there is fear that none will show.

Sure, the volunteers will be there, but will the guests? Will we find ourselves going out to find others to come and feast with us? Or, conversely, will there be too many and we won't be able to feed them all?

Upon reflection, I'm not sure that either question really matters. I don't remember the Master saying, "Only invite them, if you're sure that they will come." He just sent the servant out. And, similarly, He is sending our team out. Numbers don't matter anymore. Only faithfulness will be accepted. To that purpose, we go.

I'm not sure how God is calling you to faithful service. I'm only sure that He is. So what will your response be?

God's blessings on your life this week,

Be sure to share the love!

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